The High Level Panel on the Post 2015 Development Agenda that was set up in May 2012 by the UN Secretary General to provide recommendations on the goals to succeed the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), concluded its work on the 30th May 2013 with the publication of their final report.
The report indicates that it is possible to eliminate extreme poverty by 2030 and the Panel agreed on 5 transformational shifts to achieve this mission:
- Ending poverty by 2030;
- Putting sustainable development at the core of action;
- Transforming economies for jobs and inclusive growth;
- Building peace and effective, open and accountable institutions for all; and
- Forging a new Global Partnership. that is not just about national governments but also includes businesses, community groups, donors, local governments and others working together to eradicate extreme poverty.
The panel proposed 12 measurable goals and 54 targets around which to build and implement these five big transformations. The final list of post-2015 goals will be discussed and agreed between governments in the UN from now to September 2015.
The report is available for download here.