This week, the Chicago Council on Global Affairs is exploring the issue of youth as the future of agriculture – a key topic at their upcoming Global Food Security Symposium in March. Farming First Co-Chairs Robert Hunter and Yvonne Harz-Pitre have penned an article for this blog series asking: “Can we turn Generation Yum into Generation Ag?
As the author of Generation Yum, Eve Turow, explains in her book – young people in the developed world care much more about the quality, nutritional value, and provenance of their food than previous generations. This wave of interest comes at a critical moment, this article argues. Our food system faces the colossal challenge of doubling production to feed a growing global population as natural resources dwindle and a changing climate takes its toll. So can the agricultural community encourage this powerful cohort not only to care about food, but to actually shape its future by taking up careers in agriculture?
Farming First’s “I am Agriculture” campaign explored just how more young people could be enticed into jobs relating to agriculture. We told the stories of dozens of young people working in finance, food science and even television! Hundreds more young people got in touch to tell us how they were involved in the sector:
Read the full blog “Can We Turn Generation Yum into Generation Ag” on the Chicago Council’s Global Food for Thought blog.